Monday, September 12, 2011

how to shred jeans::Cut the jeans a little longer that you may think is necessary, and then try them on how to shred jeans

how to shred jeans how to shred jeans::Cut the jeans a little longer that you may think is necessary, and then try them on.
Keep cutting a little length off and retrying until you achieve the desired cut.
Then when you feel more comfortable, apply techniques to your shorts.
Finish the bottoms by quickly rubbing sandpaper up and down and along the frayed parts.
Take a sponge and dip it into bleach.
Soak out the sponge and press it quickly over the front and back of your shorts.
Work over areas you want to bleach more.
Cut the middle part of the already cut jeans and make a triangle in the front.
Take a fun piece of fabric and sew the material to cover the patch up.

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