Wednesday, September 14, 2011

women in tight fitting jeans::Women over 40 do not have much time, so the exercise must be efficient women in tight fitting jeans

women in tight fitting jeans women in tight fitting jeans::Women over 40 do not have much time, so the exercise must be efficient.
Additionally, for women over 40 it is getting harder and harder to burn belly fatit naturally accumulates much easier on the stomach.
There are three concepts you need to know and include in your exercise routine: cardio training, strength training and flexibility training.
In this short article i will show you how to use these to burn your belly fat quickly.
First, you need to do cardio trainingbut this is not about training for a marathon.
Endurance training has nothing to do with what we need to accomplish: burning belly fat.
To help your body getting rid of flab on your abs, you need to vary the intensity of your workout.
If you are jogging, include short 30 second to 1 minute bursts of sprinting, then slow down to catch your breath.
Then start sprinting again.
You should switch your cardio workouts too.
For example, besides jogging go swimming.
Including whole body circuit training is another good idea.
Second, you need strength training.
Of course, this is not about getting bulky.
If you want to improve muscle growth, do few repetitions with heavy weight.
While building muscle mass increase the weight slowly so your joints can adapt.
An easy way to start strength training is using an elastic bandthese are inexpensive and easy to carry if you are travelling.
You will soon need real weights though.
It counterbalances strength training: strength training is about muscle shortening, flexibility training is about stretching the muscles.
Good systems to learn for flexibility training are yoga or pilatesthe latter is particularly targeting the midsection.
Important: this is meant to be a relaxing exercise.
If you are a woman over 40 and want to burn belly fat quickly, you need an efficient workout routine.
An easy way to do this is to have 2 days every week for cardio, 2 days for strength training and 2 days for flexibility training.
But make sure, you do not do strength training on consecutive daysyour muscles need time to grow.
So you might do cardio and strength training on monday, cardio and flexibility on tuesday, flexibility and strength training on wednesday and so on.
Women over 40 face unique challenges when it comes to lose belly fat.

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