God is a living, personal, intelligent, spiritual, and eternal being.
God reveals himself to us as father, son, and holy spirit.
God is perfect and absolute in knowledge and power.
Christ is the eternal son of god.
He was conceived of the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary.
Jesus perfectly revealed the will of god.
He was completely human yet completely without sin.
He was raised from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion and later ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of god the father.
Christ will personally return to this world in power and glory to complete his redemptive mission.
God created them male and female.
In the beginning man was innocent of sin and endowed by his creator with the freedom of choice.
By his free choice man brought sin into the human race.
Only the grace of god can bring man back into fellowship with god.
There is no salvation apart from jesus christ.
Salvation is both immediate and eternal and brings a change of heart and mind and action and attitude.
A new testament church is the autonomous local congregation of baptized believers coming together by faith in fellowship for service and witness for christ in the world.
It is a christian institution commemorating the resurrection of jesus christ and should include public and private worship and spiritual devotion to christ.
It is our duty and the necessary expression of christian love to share the witness of christ with the lost.
All our material and spiritual resources are gifts from god and are to be managed according to the teaching of scripture.
Our time, talent, and money are to be used for the glory of god and the good of others.
God established the family as the foundational institution of human society.
The family is composed of persons related by marriage, blood, and adoption.
While the husband and wife are equal worth before god, they are unique in their responsibility and calling in the family.
Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the lord.
While these are only ten of our most basic statements of faith, they serve to form the foundation of what we believe.
A fuller expression of our beliefs and the scriptural bases upon which they are build can be found in the baptist faith and message.
Please feel free to contact the church if you would like to receive a free copy of this fuller statement of faith.
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