Sunday, September 11, 2011

501 jeans with anti fit::It features a man walking up to a fastfood stand and asking the girl behind the counter for a hot dog 501 jeans with anti fit

501 jeans with anti fit 501 jeans with anti fit::It features a man walking up to a fastfood stand and asking the girl behind the counter for a hot dog.
She passes him one, but instead of reaching for ketchup or mustard, he grabs a bottle of chocolate sauce.
Look at my skinny ass in these jeans right here.
It still needed to feel like a 501 ad, but be a slice of life with real people talking about the jeans.
The three 30second tv executions are accompanied by five tensecond spots, that feature fresh creative rather than being cutdowns.
Media was by starcom motive.
This article was first published on

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