cartoon eyelashes in NASHVILLE
![cartoon eyelashes](
cartoon eyelashes NASHVILLE
cartoon eyelashes in NASHVILLE.How productive were those hours?Measure your actions in value.
Rest and quiet time have great value; they reboot your system and keep you mentally and physically healthy.
Time spent learning a new skill is beneficial, so is time spent working to create something.
Time with friends is important too, if it measures up.
Does two hours a day updating facebook really pay off with two hours of reward?
When you get off the page do you feel the same surge that you feel after two hours sitting with a friend?
After two hours spent gardening?
Make sure it measures up.
Bambi and his friends found themselves twitterpated in spring when the girls batted cartoon eyelashes their way.
Is it really crucial that you tweet your every move?
Add up the minutes a day spent on this task and you might be shocked.
Some websites are black holes.
They eat up our time and suck us in.
Like any addiction, stay away from those places that pull your time away from you.
When you feel the urge to jump on them, have a backup plan like a magazine or a chore to do instead.
Break the habit while you can.
Have you ever lost an evening because after the television program you were watching ended the next show pulled you in with its first five minutes?
When your television program has a few moments left, have the remote in hand and turn it off immediately before you get pulled in.
About the author: kelly ann butterbaugh is a freelance writer who regularly contributes to a variety of magazines and has written a history book for middle readers.
Visit her website for writing help, lesson plans, history fun, or work for hire at